Friday, December 7, 2012

Week 4 Ripped Results

Results after 4 weeks

Observations & Comments:

  • Weight change from 149-152 lb range ---> 154-157 lb range
  • Lower ab muscles slightly bigger after week 2.
  • Takes about 3-4+ days after ab workout for more visual results
  • Very difficult to maintain as ab muscles can shrink in size after just a few days of no exercise
  • Increased carbohydrate intake during the 3rd and 4th week, which contributed to the weight gain.
  • Worked on abs 2-3 times a week. 
  • Did not workout on the weekend, except for one Saturday.
  • Overall, noticeably positive results

Friday, November 30, 2012

Week 3 Update

No worries, I took this picture after a big dinner yesterday because I forgot to take it before all the food. It looks like I have no abs at all. I was going to take another one today (Friday), but once again I forgot to take it before dinner.. I decided to post this picture anyways

This past week I had three workout days: Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday.
On Saturday and Monday, I had a limited workout because of the facility I was using. But I did a lot of abs on the exercise ball. Wednesday was my catch up day for biceps and back. I'll be ramping up my workouts for my final week. Even though this picture doesn't show it, I am improving and hopefully get better results by the end of week 4. For my week 3 update, I will give a brief overview of my diet.

I eat a semi-strict paleo and gluten-free diet. I only break off my diet about 1-2 times a week. When I cheat my diet, it is in moderation. I take a bite or two of my restricted foods. This usually happens when I want to try a new food off someone else's plate at a restaurant.

When I do decide to cheat and eat a lot of carbs for a meal, it is almost always rice or a rice noodle.

I eat 3-4 meals a day. I used to eat 5-6 meals (high carb diet) to gain some mass, but I found it more effective with my current low carb, high fat diet with 3-4 meals a day.

Breakfast: All protein and fat. Example: Eggs and Sausage (9am)

Lunch: Protein, fat, some carbs. Chicken Salad ( ALOT of romaine, various greens, cucumbers, carrots) w/ olive oil, some type of dressing. (about 8-12 ounces of meat). Some type of fruit, usually an apple. (12pm)

Mid-afternoon lunch: Protein fat, some carbs. More salad... I get this mid afternoon snack in because I workout at 5-6pm. (3pm)

Dinner: Protein, fat, a little more carbs. Another huge salad with some type of meat (turkey & chicken are the most common). I usually eat 2-3 servings of fruit (apple, peaches) after dinner. (7pm)

There you go, my boring diet. I do cheat sometimes so there is some excitement. This diet isn't for everyone, but it works for me.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week 2 Update

Post thanksgiving picture.. two days after turkey day. This was right after my workout so the picture might be a little exaggerated. My next post will include my diet and I will update this post with week two workouts.. if i remember them.
My notes below:
Deadlift friday. 135lb to 275lb. 8 to 10 reps.
Chest max tuesday. 135Lb to 205lbs. 10 to 1 reps. 2 sets of max.
Wednesday dips, lat pulldowns. Rows. Random exercises due to limited gym.
Saturday today. Abs on exercise ball, various lat pulldowns. Triceps pulldowns.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Week 1 Update

Thursday (11/8/12)
Multiple variation of ab crunching weighted and non-weighted, throwdowns, hanging raises.
I did 3-4 sets of each for about 30 minutes. My muscles were pretty much shot at the end of that.

Cardio on bike (30 minutes) average heart rate at around 165-170bpm

Friday (11/9/12)
135lb-225lb dead lifts. 5 sets working my way up. 135lb, 185lb, 185lb, 225lb, 225lb. 10-15 reps for each set.
I did about 3-4 other variations of the row exercises. Total workout time was about 1.5 hours, but a lot of it was chatting..

Monday (11/12/12)
Forgot what I did that day. I think I did pull up supersets and some other random stuff for half an hour.

Tuesday (11/13/12)
Chest/triceps and a little bit of abs
4 sets barbell flat bench. 135lb, 155lb, 185lb, 155lb (Reps: 12, 10, 5, 8)
3 sets of dumbell incline bench. (8-10 reps)
3 sets dips
2-3 other tricep exercises

Wednesday (11/14/12)
Day off- Ate a bunch of junk today

Thursday (11/14/12)
Abdominals and some Back
7-8 sets of different pull ups (10-15 reps) throughout the workout
Hanging raises, ab crunches, ab holds, more crunches.
Very short 10 minutes of cardio (165 average heart rate) end of workout
Total workout time a little over an hour.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Start of Ripped Six Pack in 4 weeks Challenge

Here we go! I have 4 weeks starting from today to get the clear as day 6 packer. So by December 5th, that bottom row of abdominals should be popping out like the others. 
My plan is simple. Work my core muscles to near death. Abs, Back, and Hips will contribute to the final look I am aiming for. I have to keep track of progress so weekly pictures are a must and keep to my usual diet to maintain my low body fat %.

Ripped Six. Let's do it!